Recent Work
Part and Parcel
Both and neither
Too much and not enough
Two truths and a lie
Held together by a wing and prayer
The world is made of sound
Chants and rhymes, music and math
The strum of rivers, the language of trees
The wind howling in my veins
A web can be both home and trap
Find your way out, find your way back
The way is dripping in miles
lush with distraction
Far and away, as the flow cries
Constructive interference,
convenience, confusion
Wordplay, windows and illusion
Tangled in blue, wrapped in light
Lines in a haiku that longed to be more
I don’t know what this poem’s about
Could it be everything?
Gift for a Teacher
When you do this job for a long time, you see patterns
Waves of kids who are smart and cool,
Patches of jaded and mean. Others excited,
Cooperative or curiously
Brilliant, or bored
But occasionally, you see that kid
This year a boy, but often a girl
And his eyes twinkle when he walks through your door
And while you’re talking, he nods his affirmation
At all those sudden thoughts
That have suddenly occurred to him
And you know that he has done the reading
With care
And he shyly offers his insights
Like flowers or an apple for your desk
Trying hard to mask his delight
But the other kids know, hate him a little,
But not enough for it to matter
Later you are sitting at your desk, bleary eyed
Pen in hand, trying to do no harm
And maybe a little good
With this pile of papers
And you come to his essay
Which makes this hard thing easy
His writing has said something new
Something you’ve never thought of
Something true
And your happiness is deep and clear
And you know that you can’t say thank you
But you want to
And although he is much too smart, too curious
To linger long by this particular door
At this particular time
In this particular place
You wonder if he will remember,
That you were his teacher
When he learned to open it.
A Book of Beautiful Sentences
Sacred ground can feel less so
with so many people
milling about, taking photos
whispering and reading
their cross body bags filled with tickets
and maps and expectations
But here I am, here
in your attic, in your story
and it does feel like a holy place
cramped and expansive
a tiny spot in the universe that was both
hidden away and
at the exact center
of all that terrible
warring and ignoring
Your diary of a young girl
your life raft in a sea of evil
your strong lovely script
hope and intention steeped together
like strong tea
a teenager and a heroine
wrapped up in history
sealed tight
in our collective memory
and imagination
And I knew then that I had seen
what I came to see
and felt what I came to feel
but just when I was about to go
I saw another book
one less known
a collection of sorts
but not dolls or buttons
instead, other people’s words
arranged just so
saved for the saving
A Book of Beautiful Sentences
your book of beautiful sentences
and I can’t really say
what it was about this book
that moved me so
that made me feel just so
that made me think
that there is no book on earth
more lovely or important
or that I’d like to hold in my hands
and read slowly
cover to cover.
It was always easy between
The evening and the sun
The last sip of day going
Down smooth
In a buttery sky
As the night sidled in
Music in my glass
Wine in my limbs
Dancing without thought
To my favorite song:
Bees humming together in
Honey and light
And that strum of desire
A steady waterfall of want
Playing in my bones
And in the deep
Pounding rhythm
Of the flesh of my heart
But now, the first touch
Of air on my new skin
Is a secret remembered
Your eyes fixed on mine
Your breath in my ear
We are fire and ice and
The desert at night
Cool and electric
Sharp and soft
A monsoon of music
Simmering in our veins
As we dance far and away
Close and together
At Home in Wild Places
Meet me in the woods
Where the inconstant light
Hints the way
To a path that is both
Route and destination
We don’t need a map
Only time to walk
And maybe a soft wish to let
The conversation of our lives
Be replaced by the music
Of the river
The language of trees
And our own hearts
Beating in time to
The rhythm of the day
I see now that
the angel of you is
not a ghost
as I had hoped
But rather
a quiet glance of light
as I drive across
the bridge
at dawn
a rustle in the trees
That startles me
as I run
the way strong
coffee tastes
at that first sip
of morning
or music that lands
in my bones
a tiny bird in my path
a warm tight hug
a burst of laughter
these sudden flares of joy
a flash, a prayer
are the sweet treasures
of the common day
that is when I see you,
your angel heart holding
fast to mine
and I say aloud:
Oh hi Mama
I was just thinking of you
Pisces Season
I dive into March like liquid silk
supple and sleek swimming in
a deep pool of want and abundance.
My dream: to breathe underwater and
glide inside the soar and dip
of this watery sky its echo of blue
a broad and endless daylight
where all my parts become
a single murmuration
Dancing Alone
Early today
as I wrestled with the
morning and pulled
a favorite sweater
over my head
I felt the unexpected comfort
of my own warm skin and
the lingering scent of
my own perfume
how to describe it?
a soft bath of lilacs or
a blanket of sweet tea
my mother’s gentle blue eyes
laughing into mine
the whisper of
a memory surfacing
from the deep
pool of
my solitary heart
or dancing very close
to myself
alone in the kitchen.
Ciudad Heroica
I came here on a whim
dreaming of old cobbled streets
and pink stucco
lime carts and coconut rice
a warm dream during a cold
winter, brick on brick on brick
cold in my heart and in my fingertips
And then, oh Cartagena!
you did not disappoint
your cumbia floating on the ocean breeze
your balconies dripping with flower
your wall, a stone skirt or maybe a crown
crafted of courage and bravado
brick on brick on brick
Walking it, considering its
lofty promise to protect
from pirates and vandals
traders and rogues
rough attacks from every
blue angle and slant of sun
And you were such a flirt
winking at the eventide
a wild jewel
glistening like gold or a siren song
a paradise, a passageway
they could not conquer
nor quite resist
In the end
it was quick disease
and spreading fire
not pirates
that broke you from the inside out
and reduced your pale mango houses
to rubble and ash
And the strong solid wall
built centuries ago
to keep intruders out
Instead worked only
to trap death in.
Kindred Spirits
A passing fancy or kindred spirits
I really can’t say
only that there was, at once
a treeful of birds
when you landed here
a murmuration on pause
all flutter and flight
an aching to fly
staying still, sitting tight
Not to mention
that skyful of stars
that lit me up
one flicker at a time
falling awake and on fire
high on moon-soaked fumes
and your favorite songs
I loved it all
and after all
what is love, if not that
longing, a warm thought
or an ache
a tiny throb in your heart
to remind you it’s beating
I’ll take that light in me
all lit up
that holding still
when I want to fly
a date in a planner
a meeting missed
which might have been
Simply, a passing on the street
a smile from a stranger
on a trail in the woods
or the brushing of shoulders
at a bar downtown
Or maybe a dream
I can’t quite remember
a name I can’t forget
the page with a poem
I just had to write
Kindred Spirits
it might have been called
Actual and Implied Lines
It is no small thing to write
A good line
Of poetry, or maybe a song
That rings so true, so deep
And easy that you swear you’ve
Known it always or
Heard it before
Just a string of simple words
Hung in the sun
In the backyard of your heart
The clothesline for a dream,
A secret or a scheme,
A blueprint for a lie
Or a simple hook
On which to hang
Your thoughts to dry
The story line is
Larger than life, epic
Or not, novel but short
In your long line
Of good things to read
Cross this line, hold that line
Stay inside
The lines, I hum to myself
Knowing all the while
That good songs and
Good stories
Unfold in the seams
In the space that is empty
In the notes in between.
Married to New York
Out the window by my desk
night sheds its inky skin
to announce the soft birth of a new day
its warm glow and baby blue sky
Start spreading the news
I wonder at the wonders
this day may reveal
in a city I claim, but is no more mine
than on the day I arrived
I’m leaving today
For decades now, she has seduced and
eluded me, double dog dared me
to keep her, despite my good common sense
and uncommon good will
I want to be a part of it
But she scoffs at my fidelity
winsome and grotesque
shrugs my efforts to slip a leash
around my own hapless neck
New York, New York
Although I hate to admit it
she really is all she seems:
endless possibility and never-ending filth,
glittering dead ends and incessant hope
These vagabond shoes
Her colossal heart and frigid soul,
her illicit touch, her wet kiss
splashing on my lips, onto my new dress
and into my veins
are longing to stray
I am both head over heels and
in over my head,
fearless, breathless and
helpless to leave her
right through the very heart of it
although I often want to
New York, New York
has perfect memory
I’m told, listens only to the moon
and its need to flow
exactly to where it’s going
and often
to where it’s been
I am mostly water
I think
but not the still body
the placid pool
or the tall glass
I am the splash
and the splatter
a churning wave that flows
over and around
the hard rocks and
the soft coves
moved only by the firm tug
of an untamed heart
and the steady pull of the moon.
About Your Mother
For Madeline
When she was young and busy
writing her life
the story of you was a vague flicker on the ceiling
foreshadowing promise, mysteriously constant.
And when you grew from hope to seed to flutter
and tumbled from her body
she wept with gratitude
on wobbly legs
for the power in her
that conjured up you.
Now she sometimes thinks
the world moves too fast
and she is tired from all that it takes
to hang on
to keep up. to grow into
the mother that you deserve.
But more, she is afraid
that she will forget to remember
your warm pink face after a bath
your strawberry hair
your bright blue eyes that form a prayer in her
thanking God for you
every breath, every strand,
every moist eyelash of you.
String Theory
Is it random suspension?
here, where we move to and
away from each other
strung up and together
a bouquet of young doves
or a necklace of souls,
Or is it connections?
gooey spaces between threads
where invisible jelly messages bubble
and swell, recede and crest
commune in the language of honey
the lexicon of flow,
Or, is it a tired conversation?
dressed up as the
theory that explains everything
no more fluid than dirt
binding us together
like a dry tight confession
or caught fish,
Is it filled with moist air?
the suspended belief that is not quite matter
but liquid faith
the blinding fog of thick regret or
the deep salty pool of true love,
Or, maybe a place?
the crossroads of two people
hard and supple, sweaty and sweet
where we eat and are eaten
by the keen synapse of want,
Or, is it this?
the thick oozy glue of life concentrate
the breathy dance of birds
hope and consequence
boiled together like strong tea.
Angels and Ghosts
I saw you today
walking up the hill slowly
on thin crooked legs
deliberate, but not defeated
steady and certain
you were masked, as we are now,
with short white hair and pale blue eyes
that flashed to mine
and I knew it was you
this old lady in my neighborhood,
a stranger, with your certain gait
and pale blue eyes
I wanted so bad to take her in my arms,
to hug you one last time
but instead, I cried a little and walked
a sudden splash of grief landing on my lips.
I was sure that you would visit me
after you’d gone
and in those final months
I tried to talk to you of heaven
and the after
but you, who had lived your whole life in faith and dreams
could no longer imagine the unimaginable
I felt sure that once
you were restored to your whole self
of dreamer and seer
you would find a way to dance
back across that hard line
between this life and the next
to give me a sign
to comfort me, as you always had.
But the ghost of you is not an angel
as I had hoped
but rather
a quiet glance of light
as I drive across the bridge
a rustle in the trees,
that startles me, as I run
the deep spreading warmth in my chest
at that first sip of morning
these sudden flares of joy
these flashes of bliss
are the mundane treasures
of the common day
that is when I see you
your angel heart holding fast to mine
and I say,
oh hi Mama, I was just thinking about you.
This painting waxed poetic, intoned gloss and thick
Meter while light unraveled at its feet
Rhymes and waves and minutes
Caught under dense muddy glass
Stilled in time,
Who owns these heavy hands, that drip wax
And ambition as if they were icing a cake?
Who pounds this music, these particles of light
And tiny little minutes
Into something so still?
Remember, there was a living thing in that amber,
A thing that flew and breathed
And might just dance in your ear
Like a favorite song
If you listened closely enough,
This painting waxes poetic, hides lost truths
And found objects, under layers of
Thick luminous goo
Yellowed verse and music stilled.
A butterfly in mid-flight
Alive in amber.
Deep Inside Your Own Story
On the phone, our conversation is a
Found-object sculpture of words, crooked and sublime
Pieced together from our shared history, shards of time
Half spoken truths and the story inside,
Today it is Marge, your nursing school friend
Absent 50 years, but here in our talk
Smack dab in the middle of us, she sits without a face
Her story, her house, her poor son
Eclipsing my daughter’s new job, my recent trip
My casual question, your easy response
Marge is crucial to you today
So I listen with care and try to understand
What no-one can truly understand,
You are here with me now, I remind myself
And yesterday is forever away in the place of your mind
But Marge is close. Your silly college pranks, your happy laughter
At the thought. I look for shape in the story, but
Your 20-year-old self doesn’t care to remember this tale
In the stale box of my questions.
I wonder at the strange order of things,
Our conversation, an imperfect shadow
Of the perfect shape we used to be.
Oh Mom, I miss you thoughtful. I miss you curious
Your kind questions and unquestioning love
That Is the foundation of every single thing I am,
I try not to forget that you forget
What you did yesterday or are doing tomorrow,
You are here now
So I laugh on the phone
and you laugh too,
Deep Inside your own story.
On this warm May afternoon
Our children play like children
While I try to show you
How the surf dancing to meet the sand
In splash and sparkle, under clear blue
Is like music
Jazz and rain
Or touching God,
And the clouds are outlined
With powder
And small shards of glass
I want you to keep looking
Up and out with me
And I hold a rock I’ve picked up
Rounded by surf, wet salt
And toss of ocean,
A journey of gentle compromise
Shaped by crashing waves
The elements
And time
But you are not a man of water
So I put my slippery rock
And my own rough
Edges away
Looking up and out
For the both of us.